Newtownards: “I am getting on alright”

23 August 1916

Addressed to:
Mrs John Adams
Co. Armagh

Dear Mother
Just a card to let you know I am getting on alright, hoping yourself and all at home are keeping in good health.  The weather is keeping quite nice.  No more at present.

160823 Newtownards 01 160823 Newtownards 02
Postcard shows: “Greetings to my loved ones at home.”
A soldier writes a letter, using his hat on his knee as his desk.  In his thoughts are his wife and young daughter.
“Here’s  a greeting to my loved ones,
Just to day all’s well with me,
And to tell them I am thinking,
Of the home I’d love to see.
Cares there are – yet sweet the knowledge
That one holds a place apart,
Very warm and tender in each
Faithful loving heart.  “
Madeleine St Clair

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