Seaford: “All the bands in camp turned out this morning”

Seaford Camp, Sussex
[undated, but probably 12 July 1915]

Dear Jimmy

By the time this reaches home you will have both days over you and I hope from my heart that they were good days for you. All the bands in Camp turned out this morning and it would have done you good to think that though we are here we have not forgot the days that are past. There is to be a meeting in the YMCA tonight at 6.30. They are expecting 10-000 Orangemen[?unclear] to be present. You might write me a line after all is over and let me know everything passed off.

J Adams

France: “You did your best to do me out of my girl.”

Somewhere in France

Dear Jimmy

I am writing too them all so I could not leave you out. How are you getting on since I came away. I believe you were at that Orange Ball at Bessbrook. And did your best to do me out of my girl. Mind I am telling you. You had better keep clear of that quarter of the town. Although I am out in France, there is nothing goes passed that I do not hear off. But no matter I think it would take you all your time too knock me out.

Did you see J. McCullough when he was at home. I did not think you knew him. But if you do you know a Gentleman. One that any man might wish to have as a friend. I believe youse have had a great fall of snow. Last week we had one about the same time. But there is no trace of it now. It does not stay long in this country now. Well you need not take it angry at what I said it was only a joke. Jennie[?] was telling me that she was talking to you at the dance. And what a fine fellow you were. She said you were nearly as good as your Big Brother, but seemed to have more to say (I don’t think [?]). I think I must stop or you may not answer it. But I hope you do as I would like to hear your way about it. No more at present.

I remain
Your Loving Brother
