John Adams Snr was awarded the following medals for service during the Great War and for service in the Ulster Special Constabulary from 1922-1952. The medals are (left to right): MBE (Civilian), 1952 Military Medal (MM) and Bar The Bar signifies that this medal was awarded twice, for action at the Battle of Langemarck during the Third Battle of Ypres (Paschendaele) 16 August 1917 (Gazetted 19/11/17) and on the Shoddy Farm raid on 22 July 1918 (Gazetted 13/11/18). The War Diary of the 9th (North Irish Horse) Bn, Royal Irish Fusiliers has reference to Sgt J Adams receiving the MM (21/10/17) and subsequent Bar (31/7/18), and a reference to the Shoddy Farm raid (22/7/18, also under that month’s orders). Read more on the 36th (Ulster) Division at Third Ypres. 1914-1915 Star British War Medal, 1919 Victory Medal, 1919 Defence Medal, 1945 Jubilee Medal, 1935 USC Long Service Medal, 1952 The National Archives have published medal record cards for all British WW1 medal recipients. John Adams had two record cards: The first for the receipt of the 1914-1915 Star: The second for the Military Medal and Bar (the bar is signified by the diagonal mark across the card):

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